7 Habits That Make You Look Older

You are aware that aging cannot be stopped. You still maintain a good skin care regimen to combat free radicals and, at the very least, slow the development of apparent signs of aging. All of this effort, though, can be in vain if you continue to practice behaviors that make you appear older.

In this article, we'll look at seven intriguing factors that might be aging you prematurely.


1. Not Sleeping Enough

You probably know that getting too little sleep makes you seem older and tired. Your skin cells may also be aging as a result. To improve the cellular health of your skin, you need restful sleep.


Additionally, you'll struggle with puffy eyes and dark circles if you don't get enough sleep. Dark circles also don't give off a youthful appearance.

Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep😴 each night to ensure a restful night.

Additionally, spend money on high-quality, moisturizing eye cream to help ward off those occasionally unavoidable dark circles.


2. Sunlight Intake

Even though you've heard it before, sun exposure causes the skin to age prematurely. Pursuing the perfect summer glow increases your risk of developing sunspots, skin damage, fine lines, and wrinkles. And all of these things could age you more.

The good news is that you may transform sun protection into a trendy, young appearance. To protect your face and eyes, find a large hat with a wide brim and wear it with some stylish sunglasses. Before you head to the beach, put on a hip long-sleeve caftan to protect your arms.


Of course, remember to reapply broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every two hours! The best option here is a sunscreen with mineral ingredients.


Unlike chemical sunscreens, which only filter UV rays, mineral-based sunscreens physically prevent them. Additionally, according to the FDA, they are safer than their chemical equivalents.


3. Excessively plucking your brows

Young is shouted out to the world by more prominent, thicker brows. Why? Some argue that young women typically have more robust, defined face characteristics.

💡One of our faces' most "defining" features is our eye brows. When you over pluck them, it gives you an older overall appearance. 🧓👵

In fact, according to a study on the significance of eyebrows, a person's overall face impression can change only by changing their eyebrows!

In fact, according to a study on the significance of eyebrows, a person's overall face impression can change only by changing their eyebrows!

As women age, their brows tend to grow lighter and thinner, and their features become less defined as they lose bone density and collagen. Due to all this lack of definition, overplucking your brows can quickly make you look older.


Of course, not everyone has thick brows from birth. However, there are several makeup items that you may use to conceal them and give the impression that they are thicker and darker than they are.


4. Using excessive powder

You've devoted your entire life to makeup to reduce shine. The majority of makeup routines include a lot of good face powder. But there are drawbacks to powder, especially as you become older.

As you age, your skin becomes drier, and powder collects in your wrinkles, fine lines, and dry skin patches. Everything you're trying to conceal gets brought to light by this.

A tiny bit of cosmetic powder might help with shine reduction, but too much can make you look older. As you age, your skin becomes drier, and powder collects in your wrinkles, fine lines, and dry skin patches. Everything you're trying to conceal gets brought to light by this.


However, dewier skin appears younger, so you shouldn't be afraid of a bit of dewiness. You may avoid the makeup entirely unless you have incredibly oily skin. You'll radiate with a younger radiance!


5. Dry hands

It's simple to overlook your hands because you give your face and neck so much attention. However, when someone greets you, their hands are frequently one of the first things they observe. Additionally, they may age you more than you are.

Because you use your hands for everything, they lose moisture equally as much as your face does.

Because you use your hands for everything, they lose moisture equally as much as your face does.


By moisturizing your hands frequently throughout the day, especially after washing them, you may maintain their softness, firmness, and youthful-looking skin texture. Always use an SPF sunscreen to shield the back of your hands from damaging, aging UV radiation.

💡TIP: Apply a thick moisturizer on your hands before bed, and wear cotton gloves while you sleep.

6. Maintaining the same hairstyle

Hair ruts do exist. Even though you might feel comfortable with your current hairstyle, it could make you look older. What formerly made you feel beautiful might now make you look older. Therefore, switching up your hairstyle is a terrific idea!


Consult a hairstylist whose work you trust on what might suit your face the best.


For instance, a harsh, dramatic cut may accentuate some individuals' faces and highlight the tiny creases and wrinkles around the eyes. While soft, wispier bangs around the beginning could make you look younger.


7. Smoking

Smoking is strongly associated with developing wrinkles and fine lines on the face. The chemicals in cigarette smoke, such as nicotine and carbon monoxide, restrict blood flow to the skin, reducing the supply of oxygen and essential nutrients. This deprivation of nutrients weakens the skin's elasticity, leading to wrinkles, particularly around the eyes and mouth.


The harmful substances in cigarettes can damage collagen and elastin, vital proteins responsible for maintaining the skin's strength and elasticity. As these proteins break down, the skin loses its ability to bounce back, resulting in sagging and drooping.


Smoking cigarettes has a detrimental impact on the health and appearance of your skin. From wrinkles and sagging to discoloration and dryness, the harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke accelerate the aging process and contribute to various skin-related issues. Quitting smoking and adopting a healthy lifestyle can help reverse some of the damage and improve your skin's overall health and vitality.

While adhering to your daily skin care regimen is essential, you should also consider other habits that might make you look older. Are you caring for the whole of you, from your clothes to your makeup to your lack of sleep?


Extra Advice and Tricks

Eye serums and face creams can only do so much. Use this checklist below to see if you are already doing your part to keep a "younger" appearance.


Increase your consumption of fresh produce high in antioxidants. Free radicals and oxidative stress, which cause early skin aging, are fought by antioxidants.


​Update your clothing. The wrong clothing choices can age you. Get rid of any soiled, faded, or out-of-date clothing and anything that doesn't enhance your body. Add a few essential new items to your wardrobe each season to update it.


Lower anxiety levels. According to studies, emotional stress and skin aging are related. 3 Your stress levels can be significantly reduced by regular exercises like yoga, meditation, or simple walks.


Quit slumping. Did you aware that slouching makes you appear older and heavier than you are? It's time to start walking proudly and tall!

Don't let these things make you look older than you really are...

Aging is an inevitable process. However, there are lots of ways to seem young for longer!


While adhering to your daily skin care regimen is essential, you should also consider other habits that might make you look older. Are you caring for the whole of you, from your clothes to your makeup to your lack of sleep?



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